Well Three

Designed for Long term retirement-focused investors, combining simplicity, Self Managed Super Fund advantages, and a long-term investment approach. 

Well 3 is strategically designed with retirement in mind, built on proven systematic principles to ensure your retirement fund is always working for you, and not against you.

Most people wait until they are close to retirement age to take super seriously. The earlier you start, the better off you will be in the long term.

I'm Ready to Get Started

Well Three

One Off Investment: $2499

  • Well 3 prioritizes retirement planning with a focus on building wealth over the long term.
  • Enjoy cost-effectiveness, control, and choice when managing your own Superannuation.
  • Benefit from a strategy that emphasizes rebalancing, rotation, and compounding through a range of easily managed ETFs.
  • Well 3 ensures steady, long-term returns across various asset classes including property, stocks, bonds, and fixed interest.
  • Our systematic approach and strategic rebalancing intervals make Well 3 ideal for retirement-focused individuals seeking simplicity and superior returns.
  • 3 Months access to 'Investing Essentials' valued at $177

What You Get


Investment Approach

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